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Last days of class

I have to admit it. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester probably as much as my students are. It's always this way, I fear. One more week left of classes and it seems to have flown by. The inevitable  thought of "what did I leave out" and "why didn't I?" creep in. But, all in all, teaching classes about baseball literature, culture, and film has been an interesting experience. Who knew there was so much out there in academia connected to baseball anyway? 


I also have to admit I'm looking very much forward to the spring semester. I'll be teaching only one class, Introduction to Creative Writing, and I love doing this class. I'm really more of a coach than anything else, and I find it inspires my own writing as well. 


Hanukkah starts tonight. Wednesday night is my last class until January. Whew. s

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