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Help Me Out

Sorry Travis, no pets are allowed at Wildacres.
OK friends, I have a request. In a couple of weeks I'll be heading off to Wildacres for a week's retreat. It's an incredible opportunity for me - I'm the recipient of one of their residencies! Wildacres provides a solitary bit of time away from it all, in a cabin in the woods, with meals at the dining hall if you want them, and the solitude in which to accomplish something.

Here's where you come in... I've got some thinking and writing to do, as you can imagine. It's time to quit fooling around. I need to organize ideas, prioritize (and delete) projects, and outline a work plan for going forward...

Here's my request: If you were me, what would you bring along to your Wildacres residency?

P.S. In view of the many excellent suggestions I've so quickly gotten from y'all, I think I shall publish a packing list on this blog before I go!
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