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Off I Go

I'm just about all packed up for my Wildacres Residency. I head over there after lunch tomorrow. It's only about 90 minutes away, but from my preparations you'd think I was making a 2 week European tour.

Thanks for all the great suggestions on what to bring/not bring! I am for the most part taking your good advice. Especially in the traveling light mode. Here's what I'm bringing:

- lap top for writing (not for internet, none there);
- IPad to write other places than the cabin and to try out the Omm Writer (I will let you know how this writer's app works out);
- ratty comfortable non-public clothes;
- "chillo" (more about this another time - it's a menopause necessary);
- a small handful of books, non-recreational, related to what I'm working on;
- rain gear (meals are a 1/4 mile away).

The weather is supposed to be fabulous: 70s and sunny during the day with cool 50s at night. Perfect.

I will stop at the store on the way to get some tea, cookies, and tangerine popsicles.

When I return, I'll check in with some of my work for you to read!

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