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Many of you know our wonderful music friend Emma Rugg. Last night, she won the Pop artist award at The Peoples Music Awards in London. We are thrilled, thrilled, thrilled. Check out the picture to the right and you can see how obviously thrilled Emma is, too!

Here's the very short story... one of Henry's songs makes it onto BBC radio in England on a show where they play unsigned artists. Over in Hull, England, Emma, who's been on the show herself several times, is listening. She likes Henry's tune and emails him to tell him so. (I think this was Henry's first ever fan appreciation!) Fast forward a couple of weeks later and Henry and Emma are chatting live on the BBC and on air he invites Emma to come over to Traverse City and do some collaboration. Just a couple more weeks go by, and we're picking her up at the airport in Traverse City!

She has big brass ones, she does. And I guess we did, too. Emma wasn't but 20 years old, and flew herself over to us, with I'm sure her fingers crossed!

Eventually, she'd make several more trips, do some recording at Frontier Studios with Henry in MI, and even toured with Henry a couple years ago, from here in NC on up to NYC and points between, spending a couple of months with us over on this side of the pond.

We love Emma - she is the most talented and hardest working musician we've ever known. Plus she is a lovely, lovely person. You can go to Youtube and type in Emma Rugg and see the video she made from her tour with Henry.

YAY Emma! I'm beside myself. It's so hard to hug the crap out of someone from so far away!
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