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Tire Trip

Staff road trip! I drove up to West Virginia the other morning, right before the weather turned back to fall and summer finally got left behind. With me went Carol, George, Courtney, and Twelve Grain from the National Committee for the New River staff. It was a Courtney organized clean up affair. I was the designated driver, not because of heavy alcohol consumption, but because I had the car the we'd all fit in that day.

We met up with NPS rangers from the New River Gorge National River, a new area VISTA worker, and got wet and dirty and nasty pulling tires out of the river and off the shore. We ended up with three rafts full for the day.

What, I ask you, is the deal with people dumping tires in the river? They don't belong! Is it a Southern thing? I sure didn't see any in the Betsie River in Michigan a few weeks ago?

Next to this entry are some pictures from the day taken by Carl Galie, a pro photographer who is working on a book about mountaintop removal and its effects on rivers and streams in Appalachia. So, here is an actual picture of me for a change. Usually, I'm taking the pictures and appear nowhere in the chronicles of my work or fun activities. Thanks, Carl!

By the way, on the way home we were super hungry and stopped in Beckley at The King Tut Drive-In. It was awesome good -- I highly recommend it. A real old fashioned drive in joint. We are going back there next tire trip and eat some more stuff off that menu for sure.
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