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Christmas Movie Review Vol. 4

It's Sunday and one hopes that means some good stuff, doesn't it? Especially for us here because we've got the predicted ice storm underway. I woke about 4:00 a.m. and it was 33 degrees and raining. By 7 or so, it had dropped a couple of degrees and ice began to form on the trees and deck. I'm leaving the outside lights on today to maybe make the ice look a little less threatening and a bit more festive. Late this afternoon the freezing rain is supposed to turn to all rain. Let's hope it does. It's time for the Ashe County Chorale Society Holiday concert and I really will miss singing tonight if it's a bust. Policy is that unless it's totally impassable or we've lost power at the Civic Center, the show will go on, even if it's just the singers with our spouses in the audience. It's probably not much more than a mile or two over there from my house, so I'm thinking I'll likely be a part of the hardy crew that makes it no matter what. Send good weather karma friends.

All of which means that I'll not see movies tonight, and if we lose power, maybe not today, either!

Here goes: ABC Fam has the vile Santa Baby bullshit on today… there's a sequel? Eww. Snowglobe is promising however and on at 10 this morning. I will miss the second new Cameron Mathison offering at 8, which I will definitely try and pick up when it's on later on. He's just borderline goofy enough for my taste, and not hideous to look at, either.

The March sisters at Christmas Time is not bad; it's on Lifetime this afternoon. Crazy for Christmas is also not bad -- but it is the stereotypical gorgeous mom with weird looking kid. Four Christmases is on TBS at 6 - not bad. The cartoon Grinch is on TBS at 3:00 pm. YAY! Nothing Like the Holidays is also on TBS tonight, Leguizamo is damn good and it's nice to see a non-white family with beautiful mom and dorky dad holiday film. Very dramatic stuff.

Hallmark today: A Season for Miracles on right now = good. A Very Merry Mix-Up = surprisingly good, if somewhat stereotypical. Fir Crazy = don't know, haven't seen yet, I might try it. Santa Switch is on at 2:00 so Dee Ann can try to stay awake for it this time; she said it was not bad. Christmas with Holly , hmmm, don't know. And to wrap up the night Christmas in Conway which I have not seen, but have heard OK things about, if you like Mary-Louise Parker and/or Andy Garcia, which I don't (either one) and don't mind dying wish schtick.

Party on, Christmas movie buffs!
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