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Moving is hell.

You probably knew this already. Moving is hell. Henry and I have done it many times over the years. We've been in West Jefferson, in the mountians of northwestern NC, full time for 13 years, pretty much a record for us. So, naturally we decided it was time to shake things up...not get stale...and to quit driving to Charlotte 2x a week to teach at UNC Charlotte.


We're kind of all-or-nothing guys. No subtle changes. We've gone from small mountain town little old bungalow to uptown Charlotte and have moved into a condo in the old Ivey's department store on Tryon Street. Ironically, I'm finding myself walking more here in the city -- just a few steps to grocery and drug stores, a skip over to the light rail, and only 4 blocks to the BALLPARK! In 3 short weeks, we're all moved in and I've been to the Charlotte Symphony and the Charlotte Knights already. Tomorrow night it's the Detroit's AAA Toledo Mudhens game. 


Well, I'm a little slow on the walking for now. One of the casualties of the monstrous moving process was the base of my little toe, which I broke on the leg of our bed...new place and all. I have this Frankenstein shoe thingy I'm about to jettison and all is healing fine. But damn. There's no way to move without some kind of something.


We also knew that Elizabeth, commonly known as daughter #2, who moved back to Charlotte from San Francisco last Fall, wanted to start a family with her husband Sean. So that was just one more reason to move back.  Boy, did that ever happen. She's now well into her 2nd trimester with triplets. I shit you not. Spontaneous, no family history, no ferlitiy stuff. So, good thing we're showing up now, right?


Class is about to wrap up for the semester at UNC Charlotte. April 30 is the last day. Then it'll be time to grade exams and turn in grades. In the Fall, I'll be once again teaching Baseball in Film, so I (and my students) will have that to look forward to over the summer.


Play Ball!



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