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End of the Semester and Triplets~!

Well, I've just submitted grades for the Fall 2019 semester of Intro to Creative Writing. I loved this class. I generally have students from across the university, many of whom take the class to satisfy their writing-intensive-outside-the-major requirement. Also, after leaving very white, and skewing older, Ashe County, my students are many colors and countries of origin, rural and city, you name it. They're computer science majors, and history majors, and yes a few English majors.


To add to the fun, I am the grandmother, as of September 18, of triplets!  Good thing the light rail stops at their house between home and the university. More on that to come. 


This semester, they wanted a photo on the last day. Good class. Next semester - two sections of the same. Psyched!


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