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Park Road Books and the Charlotte Knights!

Look out Charlotte - here comes "The Love of Baseball" crew to make for an incredible weekend of baseball fun.


We'll be at Park Road Books at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 4. And when I say "we" I mean a bunch of us from the book!  Expect to see me, Henry Doss, Doug Butler, Nancy Gutierrez, Editor and Partner-in-Baseball-Crime Diana Nelson Jones, Caroline Kane Kenna, Rebecca Bratcher Laxton, Elizabeth Scott Leik, David Malehorn, Ellyn Ritterskamp, Victoria Stopp, and Stephen Ward.


Many of these wonderful contributors are coming from way out of town. So, give them some love and come on out.


THEN, if that wasn't enough fun, we'll all be at Charlotte Knights Park for a before-game book signing at 4:00 p.m.  Game starts at 5:05.  This August Sunday is Women in Baseball Day at Knights Park, so you couldn't ask for a better game to come on out to. 


See you in Charlotte in August.

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