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When you're working on an exhibit, one that involves writers AND artists, there's a whole lot of calendar work involved. For March 2023, I'm helping put together EVOLUTION OF WORDS & ART for the Charlotte Art League (charlotteartleague.org) and we already have our first deadline:  DECEMBER 1.  


That's the date writers should submit samples of their ekphrastic work - words inspired by a work of art or visual image. An ad hoc committee will pair 15 writers with 15 visual artists. Artists also have a December 1 deadline to submit work that they believe will inspire a writer to respond. 


I've had work in ekphrastic exhibits before, at Mooresville Arts and Ashe County Arts. It's a wonderful way to inspire new ways of looking at writing and making art. I'm hoping we get LOTS OF ENTRIES!

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How to Make A Writers Day, Week, Month!

I don't want to brag, but damn, I just got the best email from a much-admired writer and I am definitely sharing it, because DAMN. From Judy Goldman:


Oh, Christine, you have done it! This book is stunning! I so admire these poems — they're complex and accessible, questioning and wise, surprising and just what we would want to know. Well done, my friend! Every poem belongs; following one another, they create a strong, strong narrative.

So if you need another reason to check out my chapbook, do what Judy says. And while you're at it, Judy's newest "Child: A Memoir" is brave and wonderful and scary and fine. Go get it, too. 

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Storied Charlotte Story

Mark West, the former Chair of the English Department at UNC Charlotte (where I teach), has posted his latest "Storied Charlotte" blog and it's about ME!  Thanks, Mark, for the plug. 



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We See You. We Hear You.

I am finding it almost impossible to write about the events of this week. Perhaps it's because it all feels so personal to me. I've worked on Capitol Hill, walked those halls... in the faces of the rioters, the cult members, and the President of the United States, I have seen none of the respect, reverance, honor, duty, or commitment I felt when I worked there. None. You are the very opposite of patriotic.


All I think I can say is this: If you believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories, that the election was stolen, or that Covid isn't a pandemic and killing thousands of Americans every day, I am truly sorry for you. You are a member of a death cult.


But my sorrow does not let you off the hook. I hold you accountable for the disgraceful violence at our Capitol, the death and injury that took place. You are responsible for the growing numbers of dead from a very real virus. If you are an elected official and you have cynically thrown in your lot with the rightwing disinformation machine in order to further your own ambitions, you are responsbile, directly, for what happened this week. And, if you do not do every possible thing in your power to stop this lying, reprehensible President from doing further damage to our country in the next 12 days, you should plan on finding new jobs. 


We the people are watching. We see you. We hear you. We are taking names.



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We have TITLE! We have COVER!

We have a gorgeous cover for the upcoming baseball book, friends. And the title I LOVE, especially with the image of a baseball in the letters.

We're looking at a $19.99 cover price, which is excellent. And a sometime this fall publish date.

Now the fun can begin in earnest. I'll be talking to bookstores in select baseball towns, since we've so many contributors from so many places.

I'm so excited! Read More 
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Holiday Wordkeepers is Always Big!

Our December Wordkeepers is coming up on Saturday the 19th. It's always a big show -- generally the biggest attendance of the year. Not sure why. You'd think people have plenty to do this close to Christmas, but they do like to come out and read and listen in December.

The Arts Center isalways decked with a display of local trees, and that's pretty special. And we do always have extra good refreshments, including wine and some special punch (yes, it WILL be leaded).

We're usually full up with readers and have a plenty big audience to enjoy the fun. So come on out if you're in town. 303 School Avenue in West Jefferson NC. It's the place to be at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 19. Email me if you're thinking you have something to share. Read More 
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Wordkeepers - December 15

It's Wordkeepers time again. Saturday, December 15. We start with music at 3:00 p.m.; at 4:00 p.m. we begin the 5-minute open mic readings.

This is the group that started it all here in Ashe County, although we welcome writers from all over the High Country. Many of the contributors to our recent book, Mountain Memoirs, started out sharing their work with the Wordkeepers salons.

We'll continue bi-monthly Wordkeepers salons on into 2013 at the Ashe County Arts Center, on School Street in West Jefferson, NC. It's a wonderful space for our casual and supportive gatherings. We always have new readers and welcome new listeners each go around. Refreshments are provided, too.

Come on out in December and enjoy some wonderful writing. Read More 
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Anna, Luis & Chris at Wordkeepers.
What a fabulous day today at Wordkeepers in West Jefferson. Fellow writers Scot Pope, Julie Townsend and I started the Wordkeepers salons last year. We thought the annual Night of the Spoken Word, through the Ashe Arts Council was always such a big hit that there was probably an audience and a wide group of writers who would be game more often than once a year. We were right.

So, now, every other month we get together at the Arts Council with local writers and avid listeners to hear the latest work. From a handful of people at last year's first Wordkeepers, we've grown to a dandy crowd.  Read More 
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The Pressure's On

There is no end to how I can pressure myself. I have successfully done it again royally.

On Saturday, November 20, a couple of writer pals here in the neighborhood are getting together with me to do readings of our latest stuff. Read More 
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Today I mailed off a set of excerpts from my manuscript "No I Don't Want to Hold Your Baby." Along with those 20 pages was a newly constructed cover letter and a one-page synopsis. The package with its two crisp and clean copies is now on its way to the NC Writers Network Manuscript Mart folks. They will assign them to an agent who I'll meet with for an assigned half hour at the upcoming NCWN conference in Charlotte. Read More 
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