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Snowstorm - Definitely.

My Henry made his way to Beckley, WV, yesterday morning. He and Ben and Carol from National Committee for the New River went to close on the largest ever conservation easement (1400 acres!) for NCNR, and our first in West Virginia. They made it back to beat the main part of the snowstorm, although they saw many accidents, cars in ditches, and were slow-going the last miles on NC HWY 16. Later last night, that road, along with portions of 421 were closed completely.

We've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 20" of snow here this morning and its stopped for the moment. Not much wind to speak of, so we've passed on the "blizzard" designation. More snow, just a few inches, are on their way today.

I love it! I've been out taking pictures in the neighborhood, wearing some of my Michigan winter clothes for the first time in a long time. Check out the Photo Essays page by clicking on it above and you can see what a NC mountain snowstorm is like.
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