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A Whole Year

Last week I was going through the mail and just as I was about to toss the latest RailRiders catalogue into the recycle bag, look what jumped out at me. This (see right) is a picture of Henry and I on our epic adventure last March. We went snowshoeing in the Alps with Wilderness Travel. What a great trip it was.

It's frankly pretty hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since that trip. No wonder I'm itching to be planning something else. So itching that I think I've gotten myself in kind of a stale rut. Just one month after being in El Salvador with my fellow Habitat cult members (see my previous blog post on this subject), I'm already wishing on a Spring jaunt of some kind, a summer idyll, a Fall adventure.

Most of the major trip possibilities are dependent on Henry and his school adventures. If, for example, we go to Jerusalem on an archeological dig with UNC Charlotte at the end of June, we won't go on a Wilderness Travel hike in Europe. And, Fall looks like the University of Aberdeen for some concentrated study for Henry with our Professor friends there. Of course, I will tag along for a Scotland adventure.  Read More 
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And the sun came out...

And the sun came out and sparkled through the trees this morning. It was so outstanding I put on my coat and boots over my pajamas this morning to take the photos at right.
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More to Come

I'm up this morning waiting for the dawn to break over Mt. Jefferson, but it's only going to be a brightening, rather than a dawn. Snow is falling heavily; my eyes are peeled for the flakes to turn into icy blobs, but it hasn't happened yet. Read More 
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Bread and Milk?

Back in the early 90s, the region was struck with a once-every-100-year snowstorm. Its intensity and strength were unexpected. Elizabeth, who was about 10 at the time, Henry and I headed out of Charlotte on a Friday afternoon for a weekend getaway in Blowing Rock, a resort town a couple of hours away from Charlotte. While we expected to see a few flakes of snow, and that's why we went up there, it was March and no one, I mean no one, predicted the couple feet of snow that fell.  Read More 
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Love It!

Broke out Michigan winter clothes this morning - even gaiters. I found Henry's snow boots in the bag with the snow shoes and poles. A hike around town, while it was snowing this morning, was Christmassy to the maximum. In fact, I think they should change the name of this town to Christmastown or North Pole City, or Fraser Town.  Read More 
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Snowstorm - Definitely.

My Henry made his way to Beckley, WV, yesterday morning. He and Ben and Carol from National Committee for the New River went to close on the largest ever conservation easement (1400 acres!) for NCNR, and our first in West Virginia. They made it back to beat the main part of the snowstorm, although they  Read More 
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What ho. Or maybe what "ho ho ho." We're looking at major snows, starting tomorrow, and running right up through Christmas Eve day.

I know, I should be worried about that fundraiser tomorrow night, the press releases, the maybe last-minute trip to WV for work, the family coming into town (probably not now). But  Read More 
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Seeing Midnight

I'm not usually up at this hour. It's after midnight and normally I'd have been wracked out for a few hours by now. A crap cold and a medicinal paradox effect seem to be at work.

You'd think I could find a cheesy Christmas movie on cable this time of year/night, but I  Read More 
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