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Expedition Day One

In the car on the way back to town, our NCNR intern Jasmene asked me if I would call the first day a "success." I had to think about the answer to that question for a second or two.

I was kind of in a gut-twisting moment when she asked. I had thoughtlessly taken the long way back to where we were dropping off cars and just realized I'd added at least 45 minutes to our time to get home. Following me in another vehicle, my husband had just noted this screw-up via IPhone.

But I needed to get back on track and not let this end-of-the-day menopause moment mess up my whole vibe.

I replied to Jasmene that Day One of the New River Expedition 2010 was certainly a great success. More people turned out. A T.V. show crew had shown up to film an episode of "Life in the Carolinas" about the Expedition. Only one person had gotten sideways with the logistics of shuttling, etc. My Executive Director was not cranky. OK, so the river was very low, but that was not a surprise.

All told, it was an excellent if scorching day (Boone hit a record 90 degrees). Here's to Day Two!
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