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What happened, you might well ask. There I was, blogging to you on the New River Expedition, it was just the first week, and then POOF - I was gone.  Read More 
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Expedition Day One

In the car on the way back to town, our NCNR intern Jasmene asked me if I would call the first day a "success." I had to think about the answer to that question for a second or two.

I was kind of in a gut-twisting moment when she asked. I had thoughtlessly taken the long way back to where we were dropping off cars and just realized I'd added at least 45 minutes to our time to get home. Following me in another vehicle, my husband had just noted this screw-up via IPhone. Read More 
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Expedition Full Speed Ahead

I can't believe it's almost time. Time for another adventure down the New River -- about 235 miles worth. Holy crap. No matter what little thing I think up at 3 in the morning now, I'm sure to forget something that I needed to do!

It all starts on Saturday, July 24. That's not even a week  Read More 
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A new essay

Below is an essay I've submitted to the New River Writers in Blacksburg who are mounting an exhibit of photos and the writing they inspire. The photo to the right of this post is the photo I have written about below:

Under the Bridges
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The morning started out refreshingly cool; a quick little shower had wet the pavement and then moved on. Beside the road, we found a small parking lot, the ubiquitous brown wooden government issue sign denoting the place to put in your boats. Claytor Lake Dam loomed industrially in the background. Read More 
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Check out my interview in The New River Voice


Click on the address above to see my interview with Josh Weil about his new book "The New Valley." I ran across "The New Valley" in the NYT book section, bought it, really liked it, and emailed Josh (there being an obvious connection to my work at National Committee for the New River.)  Read More 
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It's a Wrap!

Wa hoo. Just got home and I am pooped. We have all survived the New River Expedition. I will need some time to decompress from all of this for sure. Read More 
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Last Weekend of the Expedition

I figured out yesterday that today is the first day I've had off since we began the Expedition on July 20. Even when off the River, I've been in the office. So, I'm pretty tired.

I have been amusing myself (and staying sane) by imagining all the things I can do in September to chill  Read More 
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Day 17 - Last Leg Begins

Day 17, the first day of the last 8 days... whew, I must admit I'm pretty tired. It feels like coming up to the end of an election.

(Before I forget, go to www.wvtf.org, click on "view all news" and scroll down to the latest audio postcard by Tim Thornton about the New River Expedition."

I sent everyone off with the most updated itineraries and my fingers crossed that people will show up where they're supposed to and that we'll have what we  Read More 
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Day 15

Last night we had a wonderful event at Anne Goette's and Rick Claus' house in Eggleston, VA. They call it Bellebend, and boy is it ever. Many clean up volunteers from ReNew the New in Giles County, and other supporters, made it a very homey event.

But the highlight for me came later. We camped down by the river (see the picture at right) and watched the moon come up over the cliffs across the River. Train tracks run along below the cliffs and their whistles were fantastically bounced around during the night. Read More 
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Day Seven Underway

Here I sit in the drizzle at the public boat ramp below HWY 21 in Independence, Virginia. It's 68 degrees by my car thermometer. And here comes more rain; it's still falling rather softly, but the volume has picked up. The New River Campground somewhere in the vicinity has an open wireless network, so I've hopped on to take a blog break and do some work. Read More 
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