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It's a Wrap!

Wa hoo. Just got home and I am pooped. We have all survived the New River Expedition. I will need some time to decompress from all of this for sure. Read More 
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Last Weekend of the Expedition

I figured out yesterday that today is the first day I've had off since we began the Expedition on July 20. Even when off the River, I've been in the office. So, I'm pretty tired.

I have been amusing myself (and staying sane) by imagining all the things I can do in September to chill  Read More 
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Day 17 - Last Leg Begins

Day 17, the first day of the last 8 days... whew, I must admit I'm pretty tired. It feels like coming up to the end of an election.

(Before I forget, go to www.wvtf.org, click on "view all news" and scroll down to the latest audio postcard by Tim Thornton about the New River Expedition."

I sent everyone off with the most updated itineraries and my fingers crossed that people will show up where they're supposed to and that we'll have what we  Read More 
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Day 15

Last night we had a wonderful event at Anne Goette's and Rick Claus' house in Eggleston, VA. They call it Bellebend, and boy is it ever. Many clean up volunteers from ReNew the New in Giles County, and other supporters, made it a very homey event.

But the highlight for me came later. We camped down by the river (see the picture at right) and watched the moon come up over the cliffs across the River. Train tracks run along below the cliffs and their whistles were fantastically bounced around during the night. Read More 
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